This is the Thai word for ‘white person.’
Popcorn Water:
While waiting for Samantha at the hospital [she had an ear infection] I drank some water [they have trays of water in the waiting rooms] that tasted like popcorn – it was even a little bit oily. I’m serious…it tasted like an unsweetened popcorn flavoured jelly belly! Oh, and the water was a yellow colour too. Natti told me the water has a herb in it which is good for your kidneys!
Flower Sweets:
You know how sometimes we put food colouring in our baking? And most times we put flavoring in it as well? Like Vanilla, Nutmeg, etc. Well, I’m discovering that here they flavor some of their baking like flowers! The other day I ate a little pastry which tasted like a flower! I’m not kidding – it tasted like I was eating Jasmine! It kind of threw off my taste buds – I definitely was not expecting that!
Sa-paghetti & Sa-teak:
Sunday night Samantha & I had our first “farang” food since we arrived! Matt, another farang who has been a missionary in Bangkok for 2 years, took us to one of his favourite farang food places. We had chicken steak, spaghetti, garlic bread & fries – it was delicious [see picture below]! For the first time in 2.5 weeks we could read a menu because it was in English. This was an exciting night for us J Matt taught us how to say spaghetti & steak like Thai people say it: sa-paghetti [saa-pa-get-tee, emphasis on the tee] & sa-teak [saa-take, emphasis on the teak]!
“Click Like”:
This is a phrase that gets thrown around the TCCC [Thailand Campus Crusade for Christ] Office quite a bit! We learned it within the first few days we were here! If someone agrees with something you said or likes what you said, they say “click like” while giving the thumbs up! [You know, like the ‘like’ button on Facebook.] Sometimes you even get a “double like” with two thumbs up! It’s adorable! Our friend Ning does this a lot & it always makes me smile!
If you are interested, Samantha also has a blog www.samanthainthailand.blogspot.com and she is better at updating more frequently and with more details! So if you want to hear more about what’s been going on, check out her blog as well!
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