Friday, September 23, 2011


Since it's been SO long since I've last updated my blog and much has happened, I thought I'd give you an overview of my time via pictures! [Plus, pictures are fun!]

August 10th-26th: DRIME Canada Mission Trip to Thailand

Here's the team from Canada, plus Samantha & I!

Here we are again! After our intense days of ministry we went to Amphawa to rest & debrief.

One evening we did ministry in a slum. Through a translator I had the opportunity to talk with a young woman, Poi. After sharing the Gospel with her she said she wanted to know more about Jesus. Every other Sunday after Church my friend & I go to visit her and tell her more about Jesus.

We did A LOT of street ministry while the team was here. Here's a glimpse into one of the markets we ministered at.

More this market one of the TCCC staff who came out for conversations talked with a young lady. This lady had talked with some Christians a few days ago and learned about Jesus. That morning she prayed to God, asking Him to show her He was real. On her way home from work she saw us at the market, stopped to watch, ended up talking with the TCCC staff member & then gave her life to Christ!! Praise the Lord!

At one of the university campuses I had the opportunity to share Christ with two students, Arm & Toy. After a long conversation they said they wanted to accept Christ!! I was blown away by their response & reminded how it is God and God alone who saves!

While the team was here we hosted two workshops at the TCCC office. 75 people were trained in the DRIME dramas & encouraged to use them to reach out to their communities!

A handful of people who were trained at the workshops joined our team for ministry throughout the week. It was encouraging to see them using what they learned!

Here are all the workshop attendees, translators & DRIMERs at the first workshop!

Here we are doing ministry on one of the unviersity campuses. It was a blessing to be able to partner with TCCC's Campus Ministries & help them reach out to the students on their campuses!

In Our Spare Time....

Samantha & I made a quick trip to Cambodia for visa purposes!! We were in Cambodia for about 20 minutes & spent the rest of the time shopping at a market on the Thailand side of the border! [I think the picture is too small, but the sign on the statue-looking bridge says "Kingdom of Cambodia."]

While the team was here in August, during our debrief time we had the opportunity to ride on an elephant! So fun!

Samantha, Ning, me & Kung - love these ladies!!!

Eating together is very important here! In fact some food tastes better when shared :) One of these meals for sharing is papaya salad, sticky rice & various kinds of meat [it's one of my favourite meals]...definitely tastes better when shared with friends!

Samantha & I FINALLY made it to a beach! We went to an island off of Pattaya with some friends. It was SO refreshing! And a birthday gift to myself!

Ning, Kung, Natti, Jumm, Samantha & I  enjoying the beach! Although Samantha & I were the only ones who ventured out in the sun!  Our friends tell us they get enough sun already & don't want to get any darker!

To celebrate my birthday I not only went to the beach, but the next day I also went bowling with some friends! [I know, I went ALL out! Haha!] It was fun!

DRIME Thailand is Taking Shape....

It has taken a lot longer then Samantha & I anticipated to find and choose the DRIME Thailand Leadership Team. But the Lord knows what he is doing and by the second week of September we finally had leaders to work with! Our time has now been filled with planning & training our leaders! To the left is a picture we took after a long meeting of discussing the direction of the leadership training.

 I would like to introduce you to the three DRIME Thailand Leaders; from left to right, Kung, Por & Kong. This picture was taken at our first leaders meeting! In case  you can't tell from the picture, we laugh a lot during our meetings!! :) They are a fun bunch!! And more importantly they have a passion to serve, a heart for the lost and a deep love for our Lord!

Kung is full-time staff with TCCC; she works a bit with the Church Partnerhsip Ministry and now will be adding the Director of DRIME Thailand to her job description. Por is also full-time staff with TCCC; he is the Campus Director for Kasetsart University & will be co-leading the DRIME Campus Team with Kong. Kong just graduated Univeristy this past year and currently volunteers with the campus ministry at Kasetsart Unviersity.

At our last leaders meeting we taught them the drama "Redemption." We are performing this drama at our church this Sunday!

I hope you enjoyed this journey into the last two months of my life! Know that God is moving in Thailand & I am excited to see how He will use the DRIME Ministry in partnership with TCCC & the local church!!

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