Last week we met with each individual applicant to go over their application. On Saturday [April 3rd] we spent the entire day discussing, praying, listening and deciding. Obviously we had been praying and thinking about who God wanted on this leadership team ever since we started the process of meeting with individuals at the beginning of March. But Saturday was decision day for us and it was a day full of many different emotions. It is very hard to choose when all of your applicants are qualified for the position – but at 10:30 Saturday evening we finally came to a decision! It was neat watching God work through us that day; how He would bring the same person to each of our minds and give us peace about the final four people we chose. How He gave us wisdom and advice in how to choose; how He helped us identify the four people he wanted on the leadership team. Now, let me introduce you to the DRIME Benin Leadership Team!
Rachelle Ahossinme: Rachelle was part of the team I trained last May when I was here. She has a love for this ministry and a heart for the lost. She was just married this past December and is currently looking for a job; she studied Communications in University.
Calixte Adande: Calixte was also part of the team I trained last May. His passion for evangelism is HUGE and his love for God oozes from every pore in his body! He teaches German and is very involved in the church! He is also getting married later this year.
Olivier Houetohossou: Olivier was also part of the team I helped train last May. He has helped bring leadership to the team this past year as they continued to practice the dramas! He has the biggest servants-heart I’ve ever seen! His passion for the ministry and for people drives him to do whatever he can to serve God! Olivier is an English teacher. [This is the Olivier I have talked about in previous posts – the one who has helped us get settled in and show us around.]
Martin Amoussou: Martin was not part of the team I worked with last May – but he joined shortly after I left. He is wise beyond his years - a very dedicated and hard worker. He has a huge heart for sharing the Gospel and loves using DRIME to do it! He loves learning and is in his last year of University, studying Economics.
On Wednesday the 7th we had our first DRIME Benin Leaders Meeting! It was such a blast! We had little welcome gifts for them, played some team-building games and took care of some logistics and laughed a lot! It was wonderful watching them interact with each other and work together. We feel very confident in this team God has brought together!
Thank you SO much for your prayers. Jamie, Carleigh and I are very excited to be working with this team – we know God is going to do many great things through them! We would love it if you would keep this team in your prayers!
The DRIME Benin Leadership Team! From left to right is: Rachelle, Martin, Olivier and Calixte!
Playing a good old-fashioned team-building activity! They had to flip the carpet over without touching the ground! It was SO FUN watching them! We all laughed A LOT!!
Our new leadership team hard at work during another team-building activity...trying to put a pyramid together. [They work SO well together!]
Here we ALL are!
From left to right - Back Row: Carleigh, Olivier, Calixte, me, Rachelle.
Front Row: Martin and Jamie
From left to right - Back Row: Carleigh, Olivier, Calixte, me, Rachelle.
Front Row: Martin and Jamie
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